Employee Information Looking to bring a Financial Wellness Done Right™ workshop to your employer? Here is some helpful information you can share with your employer or HR representative. Contact Us How Can I Bring Financial Wellness Done Right to My Employer? Did you know your employer can add our workshops to their employee benefits package at no cost to them? You can bring our comprehensive workshops to your place of work at no cost to your employer. We offer a financial education program within the workplace that offers holistic financial wellness guidance to help you understand, appreciate and utilize workplace benefits and ultimately pursue financial independence. Our educational approach will help you make wise and informed benefits and financial decisions. Contact Us Share Financial Wellness Today Employee Workshops Our Employee Workshops are designed to help you take control of your financial present and plan for your successful financial future. We cover topics such as smart investing, tax planning strategies, retirement income planning, and credit and spending. You can find samples of our workshops in the Financial Learning Library to get started. From there, you can share these samples with your employer or HR representative and let them know you want to achieve Financial Wellness Done Right through your employee benefits package. If you want more information on bringing our workshops to you at no cost to your employer, you can contact us here. Employee Benefits Recent studies show that many employees are facing significant financial challenges today, such as:– 40% are living paycheck-to-paycheck– 61% report having serious financial problemsonly 29% say they have savings to cover six months of living expenses– 68% are strongly concerned about outliving retirement money– 71% of employees are extremely concerned about healthcare affordability after retirement– 59% intend to delay retirement past age 65 due to financial reasonsLikely, you might fall into one of these statistical categories. If so, Financial Wellness Done Right can offer guidance and financial education to help you get on the right track. Bring Financial Wellness Done Right to Your Employer Today! Our Financial Learning Library is an excellent resource to share with your employer. Overview of Financial Wellness Done Right Here is a great quick overview of what Financial Wellness Done Right delivers to both employers and their employees at NO COST! Contact us to discover how to maximize your […] HelpUThrive Workshop Topics These education offerings are typically 25-30 minutes in length and are customizable to include current or proposed benefit offerings. • Smart Decisions for your Money in your 20’s, 30’s, and […] RetireU Workshop Topics These education offerings are typically 45-50 minutes in length and are customizable to include current or proposed benefit offerings. • Retirement Healthcare • Retirement Income Planning • Social Security: An […] More Learning